Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a guy you’re interested in suddenly becomes distant or starts ignoring you?
It can be frustrating and confusing, leaving you wondering what you did wrong or how you can get his attention back. But what if I told you that ignoring a guy could actually work in your favor?
Yes, you read that right. Ignoring a guy can be a powerful tool in your dating arsenal. But before you start giving him the silent treatment, it’s important to understand when and how to use this tactic effectively.
In this article, we’ll explore the question of whether ignoring a guy works, and provide you with five reasons why it does and five reasons why it doesn’t.
Whether you’re trying to get a guy to notice you for the first time, or trying to rekindle a relationship that’s gone cold, ignoring him might just be the key to unlocking his interest.
But it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether or not to use this tactic.
So, let’s dive in and explore the ins and outs of ignoring a guy, and whether it’s a strategy worth considering.
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How Do Guys Feel When You Ignore Them?
Ignoring a guy can be a powerful tool to get his attention and make him chase you. But how do guys feel when you ignore them? Here are some insights into the psychology of ignoring:
- He feels confused – When you suddenly stop responding to his messages or calls, he may feel confused and wonder what he did wrong. He may also feel frustrated that he can’t get in touch with you.
- He might feel insecure – If he really likes you, ignoring him can make him feel insecure and wonder if you’re seeing someone else. He may also feel like he’s not good enough for you.
- Curious – Ignoring him can also make him curious about you and wonder why you’re not responding. This can pique his interest and make him want to know more about you.
- Angry – Some guys may react with anger when they’re ignored. They may feel like you’re playing games or disrespecting them, and lash out as a result.
- Determined – On the other hand, ignoring a guy can also make him more determined to win you over. If he’s really into you, he may see it as a challenge and work harder to get your attention. MORE: Signs He Likes you But Is Playing It Cool: 16 Clues.
Remember, every guy is different and may react differently to being ignored. It’s important to be aware of his personality and feelings before deciding to ignore him.

How To Ignore A Guy The Right Way?
Ignoring a guy can be a powerful tool to make him realize your value and interest.
However, doing it the wrong way can backfire and make him lose interest altogether. Here are some tips on how to ignore a guy the right way:
1. Have A Life
The first step to ignoring a guy the right way is to have a life outside of him. This means that you should not be available to him all the time, and you should not revolve your life around him. Instead, focus on your own interests, hobbies, and friends.
This will make you more attractive to him, as he will see that you have a fulfilling life without him.
Recommended reading: How to Pull Away to Make Him Want You In 11 High Value Steps.
2. Be Unattainable
The second step to ignoring a guy the right way is to be unattainable. This means that you should not be too available or too eager to please him.
Instead, be a challenge and make him work for your attention. This will make him more interested in you, as he will see that you are not easy to get.
3. Use The Silent Treatment In The Best Way
The third step to ignoring a guy the right way is to use the silent treatment. This means that you should not respond to his messages or calls immediately.
Instead, take your time to respond, and do not be too eager to talk to him. This will make him more interested in you, as he will see that you are not always available.
Remember, ignoring a guy the right way is not about playing hard to get or manipulating him.
It is about valuing yourself and your time, and showing him that you have a life outside of him.
By doing this, you will make him realize your worth and interest, and he will be more likely to pursue you.
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CLICK here to discover the 7 common signs that a woman is perceived as low value in the eyes of men in this special report. (Why is this important? Because men and women perceive value very differently and you don’t want to be making mistakes that would cause quality men to dismiss, abandon or alienate you.)
Does Ignoring A Guy Keep Him Interested?
Ignoring a guy can be a powerful tool in your dating arsenal, but does it really work to keep him interested?
The answer is not a simple yes or no, as it depends on a variety of factors. Here are five reasons why ignoring a guy can work, and five reasons why it might not.

5 Reasons Why Ignoring A Guy Works
#1: It Changes The Relationship Dynamics
Ignoring a guy can change the dynamics of a relationship. When you stop giving him attention, he may start to wonder why.
He may start to question his own feelings for you and become more interested in pursuing a relationship with you. This strategy can be effective in the short term, but it may not be effective in the long term.
It is important to maintain a balance in your relationship. If you are always ignoring your partner, it can lead to resentment and ultimately the end of the relationship. However, if you use this strategy sparingly, it can be an effective way to keep your partner interested and engaged.
It is important to remember that ignoring a guy should not be your only strategy. It should be used in combination with other strategies to keep the relationship healthy and strong.
Communication is key in any relationship, and ignoring your partner can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
In a long-term relationship, ignoring your partner can damage the trust and intimacy that you have built together.
It is important to find other ways to keep the spark alive and maintain a strong connection with your partner.
Overall, ignoring a guy can be an effective strategy in the short term, but it should be used sparingly and in combination with other strategies.
It is important to maintain a balance in your relationship and communicate openly with your partner.

#2: It Gets His Attention
Ignoring a guy can be a powerful strategy to get his attention. When you stop giving him the attention he expects, he may start to wonder why you’re not interested anymore.
As a result, he may become more curious about you and start chasing you.
One reason why ignoring a guy works is that it creates a sense of mystery. When you’re always available and responsive, he may take you for granted and lose interest.
But when you’re not readily available, he may start to wonder what you’re up to and why you’re not responding to his texts or calls. This can make him more interested in you and want to know more about you.
MORE: When A Guy Pulls Away, Do Nothing: 5 Secret Reasons It Works.
Another reason why ignoring a guy works is that it can make him feel like he’s losing something valuable.
When you’re not giving him the attention he wants, he may start to feel like he’s missing out on something special. This can make him more motivated to pursue you and try to win your attention back.
However, it’s important to note that ignoring a guy doesn’t always work.
Some guys may not even notice that you’re ignoring them, or they may interpret it as a lack of interest on your part. Additionally, if you ignore a guy for too long, he may give up on you and move on to someone else.
In conclusion, ignoring a guy can be an effective strategy to get his attention, but it’s not a guaranteed method. It’s important to use it strategically and not overdo it.
Make sure to also communicate your interest and availability when appropriate to avoid sending mixed signals.
#3: It Gives Consequences For Bad Or Neglectful Behavior
Ignoring a guy who is being disrespectful or neglectful can be a powerful tool to show him that his behavior is unacceptable.
When you ignore him, he will feel the impact of his actions and realize that he needs to change his behavior if he wants to be with you.
This can be a great way to set boundaries and establish your value in the relationship.
However, it is important to note that ignoring a guy should only be used as a last resort.
If you are constantly ignoring him, it can backfire and make him feel like you are playing games or not interested in him.
It is important to communicate with him and let him know how you feel before resorting to ignoring him.
#4: It Might Make Him Jealous
Ignoring a guy can make him jealous, and jealousy can be a powerful motivator. When a man feels like he’s losing your attention, he may start to feel like he’s losing control.
This can trigger his competitive instincts and make him want to win you back.
One way to make a guy jealous is to make him think that you’re seeing someone else. This can be especially effective if he’s already interested in you. If he thinks that he’s losing you to another man, he may become more determined to win you over.
Another way to make a guy jealous is to focus on yourself and your own life. If you’re busy doing things that make you happy, he may start to feel like he’s missing out.
This can make him more eager to spend time with you and be a part of your life.
However, it’s important to be careful when using jealousy as a tactic. If you go too far, you may end up pushing him away instead of drawing him closer.
It’s also important to remember that making someone jealous is not a sustainable way to build a healthy relationship.
Ultimately, building a healthy relationship requires more than just making someone jealous.
#5: It Can Show You Have A Life
Ignoring a guy can also show him that you have a life outside of him.
This can be a great way to make him see that you’re not someone who’s going to be super-available to him all the time.
It will make him respect you more because he’ll see you have a life and he’s not going to get you too easily.
He wants what he can’t have, and if you’re always available, he may not value you as much.
Being busy and having a life outside of your relationship or dating life is important for your own well-being and happiness.
It’s important to have hobbies, friends, and other interests that make you happy and fulfilled. Ignoring a guy for a bit can give you time to focus on these things and show him that you have a life beyond him.
Having options is also important in dating and relationships.
Ignoring a guy can show him that you have other options and that you’re not willing to settle for someone who doesn’t treat you well.
It can also make him realize that he needs to step up his game if he wants to keep you interested.

5 Reasons It DOESN’T Work
#1: It Might Make Him Resent You
Ignoring a guy might not always work in your favor. In fact, it might backfire and make him resent you. If he feels like you’re giving him the silent treatment or being passive-aggressive, he might interpret it as a sign of disrespect or lack of interest.
The impact of ignoring him depends on the context of your relationship and the reason why you’re doing it.
If you’re ignoring him to get revenge or manipulate him, he might see through your intentions and feel hurt or angry. If you’re ignoring him because you’re genuinely busy or need some space, he might understand and respect your boundaries.
However, if you’re ignoring him for too long or without any explanation, he might assume the worst and start distancing himself from you. He might also start questioning your feelings for him and wonder if you’re playing games or losing interest.
In some cases, the silent treatment can be a form of emotional abuse and leave lasting scars on the relationship.
If you’re using it as a way to punish him or control him, it’s not a healthy or sustainable strategy.
Communication and honesty are key to building a strong and respectful relationship.
It’s important to be mindful of your intentions and the impact of your actions on his feelings. If you’re unsure about how to handle a situation, it’s always better to talk to him openly and honestly than to resort to passive-aggressive tactics.
#2: It Risks You Looking Low Value
Ignoring a guy might make him chase you, but it can also risk you looking low value.
If you’re constantly ignoring him, he might think you’re not interested or playing games. This can cause him to lose interest and move on to someone else who values him.
There are 7 common signs a woman is low value to men. Do you know what these 7 signs are and how to avoid them like the plague? CLICK here to discover what these 7 signs are.
Ignoring a guy can also make you look like a control freak.
If you’re ignoring him to get him to do what you want, it can come off as manipulative and controlling.
This can be a turnoff for many guys and might make them think twice about pursuing a relationship with you.
It’s important to value yourself and your time, but ignoring a guy can make you come off as uninterested or not worth his time.
If you’re constantly ignoring him, he might think you’re not interested in him or the relationship. This can cause him to lose interest and move on to someone else who values him and the relationship.
#3: It’s A Superficial Tactic
Ignoring a guy may be a tempting strategy, but it’s important to understand that it’s a superficial tactic that may not lead to a lasting relationship. While it may work in the short term, it can lead to long-term pain and miscommunication. Here are some reasons why ignoring a guy may not be the best approach:
- It’s a control freak tactic. Ignoring a guy is a way of trying to control the situation and get what you want. But in reality, it’s not a healthy way to build a relationship. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, rather than playing games.
- It can lead to miscommunication. Ignoring a guy can send mixed signals and lead to misunderstandings. He may not understand why you’re ignoring him, which can lead to hurt feelings and confusion. It’s important to be clear about your intentions and communicate openly with your partner.
- It’s a short-term solution. Ignoring a guy may work in the short term, but it’s not a sustainable solution. Eventually, you’ll need to communicate with your partner and build a real emotional connection. Ignoring him may lead to a superficial relationship that lacks depth and meaning.
It’s important to focus on building a real emotional connection with your man, rather than relying on superficial tactics like ignoring him.
Communication is key to building a healthy and lasting relationship. Don’t be afraid to be open and honest with your partner about your feelings and intentions.
#4: He Might Not Know What’s Going On
One of the reasons why ignoring a guy might work is that he might not know what’s going on.
Men are not always great at picking up on subtle hints, so if you’ve been dropping hints that you like him and he hasn’t responded, he might not have picked up on them.
By ignoring him, you’re sending him a clear message that you’re not interested in him, and he’ll be forced to confront his feelings for you.
However, it’s important to note that ignoring a guy can also lead to miscommunication.
If you’re not clear about why you’re ignoring him, he might think that you’re not interested in him at all and move on.
This can be especially true if you’re not communicating with him at all and he’s left to guess what’s going on.
To avoid miscommunication, it’s important to be clear about why you’re ignoring him.
If you’re playing hard to get, make sure he knows that you’re still interested in him.
If you need some space, let him know that you need some time to yourself but that you still care about him.
By being clear about your intentions, you can avoid misunderstandings and keep the lines of communication open.
#5: It Might Push Him Further Away
Ignoring a guy may not always have the desired outcome. In fact, it might push him further away.
If he’s already losing interest or feeling neglected, ignoring him might give him the final push to move on. (For more on this, see: Is He Losing Interest Or Am I Overthinking? 12 Ways to Know For Sure.)
The silent treatment can be a powerful tool, but it’s important to use it wisely.
If you’re using it as a way to punish him or get revenge, it’s not going to work. It’s also important to consider the reason why you’re ignoring him.
If it’s because you’re genuinely busy or need some space, that’s one thing. But if you’re doing it just to see if he’ll chase you, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.
Ignoring a guy can also backfire if he’s the type of guy who doesn’t like games or drama. If he senses that you’re playing hard to get or trying to manipulate him, he might lose interest altogether. It’s important to be authentic and communicate your feelings honestly.
If you need some space or want to slow things down, it’s better to have an open and honest conversation about it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long should I ignore a guy to get his attention?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.
The length of time you should ignore a guy depends on the situation.
If you just met him and he hasn’t shown much interest in you, ignoring him for a few days or a week might be enough to make him realize what he’s missing.
However, if you’ve been in a relationship with him for a while and he’s taking you for granted, you might need to ignore him for longer to get his attention.
It’s important to remember that ignoring a guy is not a magic solution that works in every situation.
You need to be strategic and use it in a way that makes sense for your specific circumstances.

What happens when you ignore a guy?
Ignoring a guy can have different effects depending on the guy and the situation.
In some cases, ignoring a guy can make him realize how much he likes you and prompt him to pursue you more aggressively.
In other cases, it can make him feel rejected and cause him to give up on you altogether. It’s important to use this tactic carefully and be aware of the potential consequences.
Ignoring a guy can be a powerful tool, but it’s not a guaranteed way to get what you want.

Will he reach out if I ignore him?
There’s no way to predict with certainty whether a guy will reach out to you if you ignore him.
Some guys might be motivated to pursue you more aggressively if they feel like they’re losing your attention, while others might take your silence as a sign that you’re not interested and move on.
It’s important to keep in mind that ignoring a guy is not a foolproof way to get him to do what you want.
You need to be prepared for the possibility that he might not respond in the way you want him to.
Ignoring a guy with a big ego – does it work?
Ignoring a guy with a big ego can be particularly effective, as it can challenge his sense of self-importance and make him want to prove himself to you.
However, it’s important to be careful when using this tactic, as it can also backfire if you come across as too aloof or disinterested.
If you’re going to ignore a guy with a big ego, make sure you do it in a way that’s subtle and strategic.

How to ignore a guy who ignores you?
Ignoring a guy who ignores you can be a powerful way to regain control of the situation and make him realize that you’re not going to tolerate being treated poorly.
However, it’s important to be careful when using this tactic, as it can also make you come across as petty or immature.
If you’re going to ignore a guy who ignores you, make sure you do it in a way that’s confident and assertive, rather than passive-aggressive or vindictive.

Penny is a writer and part time dating coach. She lives in Brisbane, Queensland with the love of her life, their two daughters and their three dogs. Penny is passionate about helping women realize their high value and harness the innate feminine energy that they were born with.